It gives me immense pleasure to welcome and introduce you to Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Br. Balasaheb Khardekar College, Vengurla. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome and introduce you to Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Br. Balasaheb Khardekar College, Vengurla.
Earlier this college was known as Vengurla College, Vengurla. But after the sad demise of one of the founder members of this college Br. Balasaheb Khardekar is renamed as Br. Balasaheb Khardekar College, Vengurla. Both Late Principal M. R. Desai and Br. Balasaheb Khardekar were a Cambridge University scholar. Late Principal M. R. Desai was known as Sanskrit Pandit. Br. Khardekar was the distinguished parliamentarian of the Legislative Assembly. Both were highly impressed by the education system at Cambridge University. Both were planning to start such a type of institute in this hilly and rural area. After epoch efforts, they started this college in the year 1961. In 1961, only two faculties were started i.e. Arts and Commerce. Later in the year, 1992 Science faculty was started in this college by the epoch efforts of Late Diliprao Desai who was the Member of the Legislative Assembly. Nowadays Br. Balasaheb Khardekar College, Vengurla is running Arts, Commerce, and Science faculties with a junior wing, MCVC, and Bifocal. According to the vision and mission of the institution, the College is making progress in all areas of higher learning under the guidance of our Hon. Secretory Prof. Jaykumar Desai.
In the Second Re-accreditation Cycle of NAAC Br. Balasaheb Khardekar College was graced with a B+ grade [CGPA: 2.08]. Though the college is belonging to a hilly area still this college is strongly bounded with its mission and vision of this college from its establishment. The college is having huge 11-acre area full of greenery.
I feel proud to acknowledge the devotion and contribution of our highly qualified, dynamic, energetic, multi-faceted, multi-talented faculty, a non-teaching fraternity of the college who always strive for the betterment and development of the college in the academic world.
Many of the talented students of this college have achieved great success in the field of academics, sports, NSS, NCC, Culture, and Nature Conservation activities. Recently we received recognition for the NCC unit. About 1500 students are taking education from the junior and senior wings.
The College is growing and developing day by day under the guidance and great support on all faces from Hon. Secretary, Prof. Jaykumar Desai, Hon. Patron Council Member, Mr. Daulatrao Desai, Hon. Administrative officer, Dr. Manjiri More-Desai.
The main moto of our institute is “Bahujan Hitay – Bahjun Sukhay”