Year 2015-2016
Botanical excursion to College campus :B. Sc. II
Botanical field study was arranged in the campus to learn the biodiversity aspects. 17 students under guidance of Dr. D. S. Patilwas arranged. Students learnt floral diversity and written report and enlisted 50 plant species in the campus.
Visit to Mangrove locality “ Manseshwar”:2nd Feb. 2016:
As a part of wetland day celebration students were taken to mangrove locality to learn mangrove ecosystem and understand floral and faunal species and their role in sustainable development. Under guidance of departmental staff and research fellows from staff 25 students of B. Sc. I enjoyed reading the nature on site. Students enlisted the flora of mangroves and mangrove associates at Manseshwar.
Botanical Excursion to Fruit research center: B. Sc. I
Under guidance of Dr. R. T. Patil botanical excursion was arranged at Regional Fruit Research ,Vengurle . Students learnt the research aspects though visits at various laboratories in the center as well as horticultural aspects in the nursery of the center. Report was submitted to department.