Science FYBSc Foundation course are is a compulsory programmes at SYBA coursesStudents can opt anyone one group from the following three groups of SYBAs courses1PHYSICSCHEMISTRYMATHEMATICS2CHEMISTRYBOTANYZOOLOGY3PHYSICSCHEMISTRYBOTANY SYBSc Foundation course are is a compulsory programmes at SYBSc coursesStudents can opt anyone one group from the following four groups of SYBSc courses1CHEMISTRYPHYSICS 2CHEMISTRYBOTANY 3CHEMISTRYZOOLOGY 4PHYSICSMATHEMATICS TYBSc Students can opt anyone one group from the following 1 PHYSICS 2 CHEMISTRY You Might Also Like WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CELL 2 March 2, 2021 Department of Sports April 12, 2022 Research January 10, 2022